welcome to my blog

a place for me to share my life and story with u all

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me~~

happy birthday to me~


I'm 21st years old already

really thanks a lot for all my beloved families and friends who wished me happy birthday and gave me birthday present during my birthday!!

birthday cake from kean yong, calvin, hwoi leng, chee huan, kah ling and ah pei~

thanks a lot...and the birthday card and the present

love u all~

celebrated at Axtivo

girls' gang

steamboat at home

thanks my bro and his gf bought this cake for me~

very nice! hehe

cutting the cake

Baby-G watch--given by uncle sim

sliver planet bag and birthday card--given by my beloved friends

side view for the birthday card--thanks chee huan a lot

my KEY~given by my beloved mummy~

really cherish what i have now

thanks again and again

love u all~


oh ya~

wait to go back parit raja and redeem my birthday present from Wendy~



thanks a lot to u



  1. better come bek earlier or else i give ur present to someone else dy...and rmb to ketuk Jo-Le-ne for roti canai~

  2. haha..i will fast fast go back and redeem my present~
    yaya...when go back we decide a time and then go to eat roti canai~woohoo~~

  3. 有这么多朋友和你爱的人给你祝福陪你度过~~证明你是幸福的~~~

  4. wow, looks like you have a wonderful birthday this year ^^
    anyway, wish you all the best in the coming semester and happy always oh :)
